Working together, shaping the future In this, the first instalment of our Annual Review, we begin...
What is The Tech She Can Charter? The Tech She Can Charter is a commitment by organisations to wo...
Cledara automatically classifies SaaS purchased into one of more than 70 different categories. This...
Most C-level engineering leaders think that very few people at their companies know how to conduct t...
Banks have a huge advantage over digital-first banks: their wealth of customer data. To make the mos...
Recent research shows that the RegTech (regulatory technology) sector is a huge opportunity to stren...
New Outsourcing Guidelines from UK and European financial regulators set new requirements for the wa...
How Understanding Relationships Drives Better Data and Analytics
Leveraged finance defaults are rising as the impact of COVID-19 is felt, but covenant-lite terms, go...
What you will learn Why there is an obvious need for a new banking tech stack instead of old s...
How have SaaS companies been doing lately? A lot of articles have been written about how well Saa...
You've Got This has been speaking to members of various London based FinTech startups about thei...