If you are looking for a partner to work on an IT project the first step is to evaluate potential outsourcing companies. To do that you may use the RFI we have provided you with earlier in our news. However, it does not end with the filled out RFIs and shortlisting the potential candidates to work with. The next step is the comparison of your choices.
We have created a downloadable tool – an RFI scoring matrix – to help you select the right outsourcing provider. The tool will help you to make the process of comparison and selection of an outsourcing provider fairer, quicker and more transparent, formalize the process of choosing the right outsourcing supplier, since you can use the template as part of your standard selection process, as well as present the results of your research in a professional and digestible way to your boss and colleagues.
Read our article on how to evaluate the outsourcing companies and feel free to download our fully customisable tool - RFI scoring matrix.