PwC identify Artificial intelligence as opne of four key technologies that have the potential to tra...
PwC discuss the importance of Data and Analytics in capital markets. The sector has been slow to imp...
Alaister Moull discuss how machine learning can improve reliability, accuracy and transparency in ca...
Paper by BCG discussing how car buying has changed and how credit has replaced cash. This&...
Capgemini report that highlights what banking customers are looking for. Customers are in...
Gartner speak on how finance needs to develop and acquire technical accounting talent that can also...
A discussion over how the role of technology procurement will change over the coming years as it bec...
BCG highlight two new archetypes for client service within banking, Virtual and Bionic, that will he...
Cost benefits and the ability to dramatically increase revenue have made Algorithmic Trading an attr...
Opinion piece by Imran Gulamhuseinwala of EY: Looking at how banks can adapt to embrace the platform...