FinTech Alliance is a founding signatory of the
FinTech For All Charter.
The UK FinTech ecosystem is world leading, and offers exciting opportunities for business,
investment and talent. However, in recent years, a spotlight has been shone upon a lack of
inclusion and diversity, with instances of harassment surfacing in the wake of the #MeToo
movement, and gender pay gap reporting.
Today, the call for an inclusive industry is becoming even stronger, with the FCA mandating for
focus on non-financial misconduct and encouraging speak up cultures.
We worked with InChorus, Level39 and Innovate Finance to survey FinTech employees and gain
an understanding of the challenges they face in terms of harassment, bias and microaggressions.
From this, we have launched a five-point industry charter which supports companies to lean into
targeted action.
The FinTech For All Charter is open to organisations of all shapes and sizes – you can join
us as
a signatory here.